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5 Things to Consider Before Replacing Your Windows

November 14, 2023

Whether you’re looking to lower your energy costs, brighten up your home, or add resale value for an upcoming sale, window replacements always offer homeowners a great return on investment.


Modern updates to window technology have sweetened the pot even more, adding higher energy efficiency, easier cleaning, and less draftiness. All of this only makes the prospect of installing new windows more attractive. 


Despite all the benefits, many homeowners are unsure about taking the plunge to replace their windows. Of course, they want to get the most out of their money as possible, but with all the options and decisions, it’s not always as straightforward as it seems.


Before you shop, it’s important to know a few things to look for (including some you might not have considered!) Here are five factors to think about before buying brand-new windows from a window replacement company in Edmonton or Calgary.

When Should You Consider Replacing Your Windows?

There are a few different signs letting you know that it might be time to change your windows. If you feel a draft (even with closed windows), it may be caused by a number of different issues, and it certainly isn’t comfortable to deal with. 


If your windows are damaged by water or cracks, it may be time to think about repairing or replacing. It’s also a good idea to look at what kind of window you currently have and which other types could offer more benefits. For example, single-pane windows tend to be outdated, and if there’s condensation between your double-pane windows, it means their energy efficiency has dropped drastically and your home could be damaged as a result.


Even if you’re not looking at replacing your windows for a few years, it’s never a bad idea to research different windows in advance to find the styles that best suit your home.

The 5 Factors to Consider Before You Replace Your Windows

Energy Efficiency VS. Your Energy Bills

According to Natural Resources Canada, your windows, doors and skylights may be the cause for up to 35% of energy loss in your home. This means that when you’re considering window replacements, researching energy efficiency is of the utmost importance. 


When shopping for new windows, always put careful consideration into the amount of energy efficiency they offer. A reputable window company should be able to give you specific measures, and energy-efficient windows will help you save money in the long run by lowering your energy bills significantly.


When looking for energy-efficient windows, search for the Energy Star label. Energy Star rated windows are some of the top-rated windows in the industry, and you can rest easy knowing they’ve been fully tested and approved.


Increasing Home Value & Curb Appeal

beautiful country home with red roof

Your windows can make or break the sale of your home. Having modern windows in your home makes your house appear far more attractive for prospective buyers by increasing the value of your home (since windows won’t have to be replaced again for several decades) and the curb appeal from outside. 

Bad or old windows, however, can drastically bring down the value and overall curb appeal of your house. Many homeowners choose to replace a few years before they plan to sell. Thanks to high ROIs on window replacements, you can gain back much of the money you invested in windows when you eventually decide to sell it.


It’s always a good idea to consider your home as an investment, whether you’re ready to sell it or not. Plus, it’s an incredibly satisfying feeling to see the difference between your old and new windows. 


Choosing the Right Glass for Your Home

Besides searching for energy-efficient windows, there are multiple other factors to consider when deciding on what type of glass you want to invest in. One of these considerations is the glaze - single-glazed, double-glazed, or triple-glazed. 


While single-glazed has one pane of glass, double-glazed has two panes with an insulating gas like argon in between. A triple-glazed window has three panes, allowing for even more insulation. It’s up to you to decide between an easily replaceable, but low-insulating glass (like single-glazed) or a highly insulating glaze with a bigger price tag.


Insulation isn’t the only thing you should be worried about when looking for the right glass. Be sure to consider anything else you’re expecting when you buy new windows. You might want more noise-reduction or easier cleaning. Different types of glass offer different benefits as well as drawbacks.

Ensuring That Your Windows Are Safe

dark wood window pane with latch

One factor window shoppers commonly overlook is the overall safety of your windows, particularly if you have kids or pets. A common safety concern is having single-hung floor-to-ceiling windows. By having a single-hung window like this around little ones, it becomes dangerous to open them at all. By purchasing double-hung windows instead, you can ensure the safety of everyone in your home.  


Other factors come into play, too. Windows that don’t lock properly are a risk for break-ins. If your current windows don’t lock well, you may want to consider purchasing new ones, especially for prime access points around your home, like lower level or basement windows. Your older windows might not be up to code either, in which case it’s probably time for an update.


Don’t Skip Over The Details

These days, windows come with plenty of different features. It’s important to understand exactly what you’re buying when you purchase new windows because all of these options can get confusing. 


Besides aspects like glass and design types, you should also be on the lookout for their other features like sash, frame, and tilt-in (which allows for easier cleaning). You want to get the greatest benefits for the price you pay, and the best way to ensure that is by searching for the details. Don’t skim the fine print. 


It’s crucial to understand what’s covered under your warranty as well. Look for lifetime, fully transferable warranties in order to get the most out of your money. Make sure you know exactly what you’re getting when you purchase your new windows so you feel good about your purchase for the next several decades your windows will last.

Book a Free Consultation With Window Experts Today

If you want to replace your windows but aren’t completely sure about what you need, book a free in-home consultation with Edmonton and Calgary’s window replacement experts. We can help you find the perfect replacements for your home’s windows according to your budget and preferences. If you’re not ready to buy, but you’re curious about what a window replacement entails, you can price your project today.