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Stop Delaying, Start Replacing

November 14, 2023

Homeownership is very expensive and for most of us it will be the biggest investment we make. So often we put certain home renovations off. But it’s time to stop putting off window and door replacements.


The windows and doors in our homes are a vital component to a well functioning home. When we look at our homes, we don’t see the money we are losing due to inefficient windows and doors. We see the salmon coloured walls from the 90s or we see the dated wallpaper not even grandma is fond of anymore. Though giving up on the 90s can be a very healthy thing, you are not going to increase the value of your home greatly by updating the paint.


When we take a step back and shift our focus from cosmetic to structural and functional we begin to see a different picture.

Here are our top 4 reasons to stop delaying and start replacing!

Government rebates  

Right now in Alberta, there is a lot of money available to homeowners through Energy Efficiency Alberta. This program is helping thousands of Albertans, to upgrade their homes with rebates for things like new energy efficient windows and doors.

Increase your homes’ energy efficiency

In some cases it is as simple as upgrading from single to double pane. But if you are windows are not the proper size and are not properly fitted, it could be allowing the cold air in. By having a professional properly size and install your windows, you can seal up and reduce heat lose. You will notice savings very quickly and will be reducing your home’s impact on the environment.  

Reduce risk of potential damage

Replacing windows that are in poor condition can help reduce not only energy loss, but it can also help reduce the risk of home damage, do to humidity or even water leaks. Loose windows or cracked windowpanes should be replaced to help avoid an even bigger issue. Left untreated they can cause water damage, which can lead to mould and mildew build up and having mould removed is not nearly as easy or cheap as replacing the windows and doors in the first place.

Resale value

Just like throwing up a new coat of paint, windows are a part of the esthetic appeal to our home. Old and dated windows can be unattractive to potential homebuyers not only because they don’t look good but also because they could see dated windows as inefficient and a potential area for damage. By updating your windows and doors, you reduce the risk damage and improve the look of your home, making it more appealing to potential homebuyers.

You work hard to own your own home, and with the rebates program from the government, you can keep some of that hard earned money in your pocket, while making essential updates to your home. Give us a call and we can discuss with you, what new windows and doors could do for your home!